No matter the industry, identifying domain ownership, the significance of it, and where it comes into play are important factors.
Not sure if you own your domain? WHOIS allows for you to search your company’s website and look for elements that would be indicative that you own your website. Although true ownership circumstances can vary, whether you’re listed on the contact information and whether you have access to the domain’s registrar account are typical indicators. Overall, by understanding your website ownership, we can get a better picture of priority items when crafting your website build.
Your website domain is a significant asset to your company as a whole. Oftentimes a client may work with a company who builds and manages websites for a specific industry, for example, a doctor or real estate agency.
Owning your Content
At first, you may think duplicate content is not a significant issue. However, your site can end up not ranking as well if the same copy appears in multiple areas. We know you take pride in your reputation and products/services. Therefore, a simple name swap in the content along with the copy and paste treatment is not what you want to happen to your company.
Are you curious if you have duplicate content on your site? A simple content evaluation may shed light on the state of your online presence.
I do own my domain name. Does that mean I own my content?
When the time comes for you to leave a specific web company, you will most likely have to work from the ground up to rebuild the content on your site. Some companies leave the partnership with a marketing firm owning their domain, while others do not. Regardless of that, if you provider wrote the content for your site, you most likely you do not own the content.
Working industry specific companies claiming to specialize in a certain area can be very slippery. What once seemed like a fast way to get your website up and running could quickly turn into a nightmare if you do not own your own content. Overall, owning your content and domain are important factors related to your website.
Supplying your audience with unique content that they are looking for will help contribute to their overall view of your business and experience on your site. You should evaluate website your performance in a variety of areas to help reach your goals.